Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Victim of R/WS: How the white female is marketed to non-whites

When victims of Racism/White Supremacy (racism is white supremacy, and white supremacy is racism) talk about this dominating, subjugating, marginalizing, and abusive worldwide system, they very rarely, or if ever, speak of the white female as a practitioner and maintenance worker in the system.  She is dedicated to keeping it in existence, forever. It is the white male who is seen as the only practitioner of RWS.  The only white entity working to maintain the system of RWS.  Only white people can practice RWS.  

This is the system they created to dominate, and subjugate those that they classify as not white.  The white Female is often marketed as the white male’s victim.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  She is his partner in this inhumane, global wide, planet wide, criminal regime.  Not just the white male, she is one of the main stake holders in their system.

How is it that the white female , whether she is straight, gay, rich, poor, old, young, has been integral in practicing, maintaining, and benefiting from the system of RWS.  How is it that she does not come to mind when RWS is talked about victims of RWS? How is that possible? How is she able to hide in plain sight? How is this instigator and cause of some of the most racist, terroristic acts on the planet still able to remain under the radar of suspicion when it comes to how victims of RWS view her?  It is because of how she is marketed to the world?  White people are in charge of their image, and the image of their non white victims.  They have been able to make an innocent group of people enslaved, marginalized, and subjugated to this day, out to be racists and the problem of the planet.   

A group of people whom white people dominate in all 9 areas of people activity as described by Mr. Nelly Fuller Jr., economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war.  White people own, and run all of these areas.  Yet, they’ve been successful at convincing the world that the black male is whom everyone should fear.  Only people in charge can put out such lies, and make them stick even while there are tons and tons of evidence to the contrary.

Margarita Tartokovsky writes about the advertising psychologist, and father of behaviorism in America, John Watson, in her article, “The Psychology of Advertising.”  She says, “He believed that in order for advertising to be effective, it should appeal to three innate emotions:  love, fear, and rage.”   In 1930,   Watson is also quoted as saying, “Give me a dozen healthy infants, well-informed, and my own specified world to bring them up in,  and I’ll guarantee to take any one at random and train him to become any type of specialist I might select—doctor, lawyer, artist, merchant-chief and, yes, even begger-man, and thief, regardless of his talents, penchants, tendencies, abilities, vocations, and race of his  ancestors.”

Behaviorism, this method of psychology, is to provoke and manipulate impulses and passions, and study the effect upon behavior.  The white female’s marketing  seduces her victims into thinking she can be trusted, and that she is good, whereas the White male is evil.  She is the  “fairest’ of the two.  White people’s dictionary defines fair as, “Free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice, marked for favoring conditions. Archaic. Something that is fair, a.  a woman, b. a beloved woman.”  The only woman who has ever been called fair is the white woman.  See, she is defined as beloved, free from bias, free from dishonesty, free from injustice.  Some of the related words to fair, on white people’s dictionary.com website are, blonde, Caucasian, and economic value.  This is exactly how the White female is marketed to her victims.  Who is the fairest of them all?  The white female.

The white female’s nude, and semi-nude body is paraded worldwide as every man’s desire.  Playboy magazine is in most of the world where non white people reside.  Young, non white males see her naked before they see the females in their own “race” naked in a sexual way.  It is her image that most non white males are seduced into fantasizing about throughout their lives because of the non stop, 24/7 marketing campaign that goes on about her throughout their lives?  She is the most seen female in movies, TV, DVD's, videos, etcetera.  This is by design.  countless non white females are compared to the white female. She is called beautiful, gorgeous, etc. all the time on TV, and in magazines regardless of how she looks. A Study showed that white males receive the highest esteem boost when watching television. It said that white females do not. Again, making the white female a victim of the white male, and a victim in general. We all work around whit females, they know they dominate all non white people. It is her looks that non-white females are constantly compared to - especially high-melanin females classified as black.

The cosmetic industry was made for the white female to better her looks in a world dominated by melanin women.  However, that gets lost on her victims because of psychological advertising aimed at them.  She is not marketed as needing help to become beautiful. She is marketed as the source, the definition of beauty.  The one that all non white females should look like.   Even in an all non white community, most victims of RWS have white, female teachers.  She is marketed as the very definition of  motherhood, womanhood, the perfect wife and girlfriend, the ultimate sex partner, color blind, and wielding justice and ‘fairness” where the white male won’t.

We know this mind control is a con job because white men and women have the highest divorce rates.  The marketing of the white female is for the victims of the worldwide system of Racism/White Supremacy.  White men know the truth.  They know it is one big, fat, Wizard of Oz, lie.  It’s not about truth, it is about maintaining, RWS.   Corporations spend millions on a thirty second ad because it works.  In her article, ‘Why we spent millions on a 30-second superbowl ad-twice, Lindsey Blakely writes, “More than 1 million people visited HomeAway.com in the 24-hour period after the Super Bowl and traffic remained up for the following two months.”

The white female is marketed the way she is because that’s the role she plays in her system of RWS.  She’s good at it.  She is dedicated to practicing and maintaining the system of RWS.  She is dedicated to her posterity practicing and maintaining the global wide, multiple continent wide, family business-RWS.

A jury of 5 out of 6 white females (83%) found George Zimmerman not guilty of murdering, unarmed, non white, teen, Trayvon Martin.  In a , 2012,  study led by Duke University researchers, it was found that , in Florida, where there was an all white jury, the black defendant was convicted 81% of the time, and whites, 66% of the time. The study did not say an all white, male jury. It says an all white jury.  These white female jurors followed the standard operating procedure of WP in Florida, and all over the world as a matter of fact.  They did nothing different than when all white male jurors would convict black males during the Jim Crow era. Usually, accused of crimes against the white female. Unlike White males, she is marketed as fair.  White females terrorized the Little Rock 9.  White females were integral in shutting down the school system in Virginia for five years just so that black children could not attend better schools.

Part of white people’s long success of maintaining the system of RWS is not just their aggressive, in-your-face, overt inhumane, terroristic acts, but their tender, refined acts of so called kindness, sympathy, and empathy towards their victims.  White people cause the famine, drought, war, despair, poverty, anti-non-white sentiments - especially anti-black - then come in with the cornbread, water, job, a place to sleep, smile an affirming nod, a validating compliment etcetera.  They cause the problems of their victims then come in as hero, heroin, and solvers of the problem. What better way to confuse your victims in to thinking that you are good? After the first gang of soldiers dropped the atom bomb on  their victims of RWS in  Japan, the second leg of their racist gang members came in to “heal’ their wounds.  This is to confuse their victims, and make them think that there are some good white people.  White people must have their victims believing that not all white people are Racist/white supremacists - just those sad, uneducated, ignorant, crazy Ku Klux Klan members. The Ku Klux Klan has never just been made up of uneducated, ignorant white people.  The Klan members were/are senators, mayors, governors, sheriffs, judges, county clerks, etcetera. See, white people are now marketing the Klan as backward, harmless, loud mouths who are harmless. They have been scapegoated as the ONLY white supremacists. No white person is harmless. This white female is the greatest beneficiary of this belief.

The white female is marketed as weak, powerless, a victim of the white male. She is often mentioned alongside of her victims of  RWS when speaking about injustice around the world to various groups. Whenever you hear the word, woman or women, it is referring only to the white female.

Powerless?  White females always say they are less powerful even in comparison to her male victims of RWS.  Another con.  One of the most powerful people on the planet is Queen Elizabeth, a white female.  It is reported that she owns one sixth of the world’s non ocean surface, or 6,600 million acres, 31 countries, many of which, non white people reside.  This white woman has been queen for over 60 years.  I am sure she has say in how the plantation, also known as earth, operates.  It can be argued that she is the richest person on earth. She holds massive, global power. Again, white people even market this white female ruler as not really in charge. Just someone in authority whom no one fears. She doesn't use it, etcetera. Just sitting on power - clueless as to how or if to use it. She has already been using it. The fact that she is old really plays to the white female's marketing as harmless and gentle.  Read up on all that she has the power to enact if she wants to.  It is she who white male US Presidents have come to get the once over when they got elected over the many years she has been ruling.

The white female's words caries a lot of weight on their world wide plantation.  They have caused lives, and careers to end, and towns with thousands of non white people to be burned.  Her powerful, lying lips caused black wall street to be burned down and black people murdered,  Rosewood, Fl. to be razed  and black people slaughtered, Emmett Till to be murdered. White historians have documented hundreds of similar outbursts of White Terror. Susan Smith falsely accused black males of killing her sons, Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood to specifically cut down on the birth rate of BP-genocide, a white woman ended  Herman Cain’s run for President by saying he, of course, sexually assaulted her, over a dozen white women, with no proof, just their words,  came out and said that Tiger Woods slept with them, and they were believed.  White women were caught kidnapping Haitian children during the earthquake in Haiti in 2010, and they were not sent to jail. 

If an infertile or fertile white woman wants to take her non white victim’s children, and “raise” them in her home, it gets done.  See, white people cause all of the conditions that put their non white victims in impotent, pitiful predicaments. Then white people come in as the hero/heroin. Another way for their non white victims to grow up thinking of white people as good, rescuers, mother, father.   This way  they don’t have to worry with too many uprisings from their victims.  Keep them confused as to who white people really are.  White people are  fed up with this  Affirmative Action, B.S.  Who do they send out to lead the dismantling of it?  A white female.  The dismantler in-chief, herself.  She takes down communities, towns, countries, and legislative acts.  White people give it, and the white female taketh away.   She rules over her victims of RWS with her power.   She is the very definition of the idiom, “A wolf in sheep’s clothing.”

Another white woman, and Australian mining mogul, Gina Rinheart, in 2012, said that Africans would work for less than $2 per day in her mines, or look for other work.  Forbes estimates Rinheart to be worth $18 Billion. White female, Queen Victoria, was one of the world’s biggest drug dealers.  She ordered the overthrow of India, and flooded China with opium causing its citizens to become addicted. 

The white female is not the white male’s victim, she is his partner in the crime against humanity-RWS.  The organized, criminal regime that they call , RWS.  They have squabbles, and spats over  the tactics and strategies to use to practice RWS.  They do not argue over if they should practice RWS.   All white people believe that white people should  dominate all non white people on the planet.  This is evidenced by the fact that white people continue to  dominate, subjugate, marginalize, every group on the planet whom they classify as not white.  They rule, and reign in all nine areas of  people activity as described by Mr. Nelly Fuller Jr., economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex, and war.

White people aren’t coincidentally ruling in all of these areas.  It is  deliberate, purposeful, willful, and shows a dedication to making sure that white people dominate non white people worldwide.  The white female is white.  Just like white people constantly tell themselves, and their victims that they are the best things that ever happened to the earth.  Though,  we see that they’ve caused global warming, polluted water,  over growth of crops to keep their capitalism going, polluted air with their industrial and technical revolution, they’ve caused obesity to be on this planet like never before with their junk food, fast food, pre packaged foods, and fake foods.

They’ve caused harm, death, and destruction to all inhabitants of the planet, great and small, fowl of the air, beast of the field, fish of the sea, plant life, and the eco-system.  We see their handy work, their destruction.  Yet, they’ve been able to convince their victims that they’ve improved their quality of life.  That before them, everyone was living the worst kind of existence.  This coming from a people who didn’t even have a hygiene system in Europe.  This coming from a people whose feces infested streets of Europe almost wiped them off the planet.  Not to mention their  2 world wars that almost wiped them off the planet. Yes, they are exceptional.  Exceptionally bad for non white people.   WP are notorious for their biological weapons, and diseases.  Yet, when we think of them, only smart, forward thinking, exceptional comes to mind.  Why?  They are in charge of their image unlike their victims. They market themselves through psychological advertising as such.  Not to mention, they are war mongers, who kill for fun.

The white female is not working against or countering the system of RWS.  She works to make sure that her white children understand, practice, maintain, and benefit from the long lasting , been here too long , global wide, family business, RWS.  In the words of Mr. Neely Fuller, Jr., “Follow the logic and the evidence.”

John B. Watson
"Why We Spent Millions On A 30 Second Super Bowl Ad... Twice"
"Supreme Court Says Native American Child Doesn't Have To Be Given To Biological Father"
"Laudanum, the heroin of the 19th century"
"She's back: World's richest woman makes case for $2-a-day pay"
"Couple forced to give adopted baby back to Native American tribe"
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Leanita McClain, Edward Snowden & Racism

Whistleblower? Hero? Traitor? 

High school drop out. Community college dropout. GED recipient. 

Edward Snowden has one label in Gus' book. Suspected Racist. Wouldn't care if remained exiled in Siberia forever. None of his "leaks" have improved the quality of life for non-white people, avenged Trayon Martin, or helped solve a single problem. He's not even sharing "news". The System of White Supremacy is and will remain a "surveillance state". Whites have performed all manner of reconnaissance and infiltration on non-white people since time immemorial. In fact, wiretapping is mild relative to the limitless terrorism Whites have perpetuated against us. 

Exhibit A: Leanita McClain's January 15th, 1984 column on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. McClain discussed the content of specious wiretaps against Dr. King - and countless other non-whites who worked to establish Justice. McClain was also a Victim of Racism; she struggled with depression and ultimately committed suicide. This essay is a part of her poignant, sad collection A Foot In Each World: Essays and Articles by Leanita McClain.

Curious can't undo King's heroism

Today is the birthday of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., in its way a holy day for black folks.

Dr. King's heroism and power to stir remain with me and millions of other people of all colors who seeks and work for goodness and justice, though they may never find it. The nonviolent teachings, the valor, the love of Dr. King remain as surely as the remembrance of the sight of him, gesturing, enunciating and rising up physically at the lectern as if to soar along with the crescendo of his awesome message.

This is the first time this day has arrived with deserved national recognition, although the official federal holiday will not take effect until 1986 (on the third Monday of January). After 15 years of oversight, Congress last October finally passed legislation making Dr. King's birthday the 10th legal federal public holiday. The legislation was originally introduced within days of his assassination in April 1968.

In death, as in life, the perseverance espoused by Dr. King ultimately frustrated his maligners. Yet one of their ringleaders, Sen. Jesse Helms (R., N.C.), could not let the matter come to a close without vilifying Dr. King as an "action-oriented Marxist." Worse, Helms tried to impart some honor to his true intent by decrying the cost of yet another paid holiday for federal workers. And most unforgivable, he sought to have the courts lift the seal on FBI bugs and wiretaps of Dr. King, shamelessly disregarding the family's desire and agreement with the government that they be sealed for 50 years.
There is an issue on those tapes. It is: How solid are one's heroes?

Curiosity would have you wonder what is in them that is so spurious, that would be so calamitous if revealed. What is suspected about the contents of the tapes already gives them "negative inference," a legal term essentially meaning that the absence of proof that they are not damaging becomes proof that they are.

The tapes reportedly contain snippets revealing that the amazing marcher and preacher was also an amazing womanizer. I believe it was Jesse Jackson years ago who brushed aside the sexual innuendos with a remark to the effect that if indeed "Martin could have done all that marching and all that preaching and still run around, he was surely a 'king'."

On this, his birthday, I respond with a similar "So what?" Curiosity has me itching to know what is in the tapes, yet I respectfully grant the King family's right to and wish for privacy, in perpetuity if necessary.

Sources with even the slightest notion of the tapes' contents warn that a revelation might undo Dr. King's image and perhaps some of his social good, that besides the embarrassment to his family, bigots would have cause to revel.

But a crack in one's idol is not cause to smash it, to denounce it and turn away.

Such is the price paid by public people in their private lives. Or sometimes in their public lives, since the most fascinating twist on the story is that then - Atty. General Robert F. Kennedy, who is perceived as having been in step with civil rights, authorized the eavesdropping. Sen. Edward Kennedy, having to lower himself in acrimonious debate with Helms, defended his late brother: "If [he] were alive today, he would be the first person to say it was wrong to wiretap Martin Luther King."

And I think that, were Dr. King alive he would be the first to forgive the authorization.

Such was the manner of the public man in life, and such will he be throughout time.

What Dr. King did publicly was to shame this nation into searching its conscience and giving to a people what should have been theirs anyway. He flung words so might they pierced the hardest hearts and brought about civil rights legislation. These are what will last. What he did in private will not, not even on tape.

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Tuesday, July 02, 2013

The Prep School Negro on Ms. Rachel Jeantel

The C•O•W•S• began July with a visit from Gwendolyn Valencia Lee's son, AndrĂ© Robert Lee. We discussed his  documentary film (The Prep School Negro), Clarence Thomas, and George Zimmerman's trial. Mr. Lee's comments on Ms. Rachel Jeantel were appreciated and important. #ANTIBLACKNESS
When I think about the responses people had to her, you know, there's so much pain associated with so many people. For one, White people just couldn't take her. It was just too much. That guy, Mr. West, the criminal defense attorney, in a sense we almost can't criticize him too much cause he was just doing his job. You know? The job connected to the political system, the justice system is another long story. But his job was to destroy her and make her look... to take her credit away. That's his number one job, and he did it so well. It just so happens that we had this heavyweight, dark-skinned, African-American woman - young woman, who had never been in this environment.
I think about my community. When I first went to Germantown Friends School, you know, people made fun of me because of the way spoke. And my mother was a heavyset black woman. And people in our community [black people] made fun of her. And she had her own issues that were never connected to that. So when I looked at her, and I saw how much power she had up on that stand. You know? Cause she wasn't taking no stuff! You know? Part of me wished that she had been trained a little bit to deal with the pressure of being in court. But the other part of me saw how free she was. She had a level of freedom that was almost too much for the world to take.
I've had friends say things like I wish she was more articulate. And I'm like, what's that about? What's in you to say you wish she was more articulate? She was so strong on that stand. But I think when I'm getting my connection with the Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome and the story, was that I think that the observation that many people had about her and the criticism people had about her, were connected to folks' own personal pain. They looked at this heavyset, dark-sinned woman who didn't speak "proper english" and they were ready to come at her and destroy her because she was embarrassing and terrible. And needed to be more articulate. And needed to be more clear.
And I said, for me, she is like a character out of an Alice Walker novel. She is so free. She is so free. And she didn't want to be there. But she was there. Yes, I wish she understood the court system a little bit more beyond what she sees on TV. But she had her own personal existence. She had no desire to be there, but she was forced into that spotlight and that space.

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